Category: Enlightenment Warrior
The National Debt is a “Grandchild Tax”
“Children are living messages we send to a time we will not see.” – John W. Whitehead Dear Babyboomers, I just wanted to wish you congratulations on your impending retirement. Could you do Generation X, Y, the Millennials, and so forth a favor before you go, and please clean up your $7,000,000,000,000 mess before leaving…
For What It’s Worth, Please Vote Barack Obama
Barack Obama Barack Obama came out of nowhere, delivering a suprise inspirational speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and writing two books Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope, both of which revealed a remarkably intellectual individual who believes in Enlightenment ideals. In the last four years, Obama has proven himself undefeatable…
Blogging has introduced me lots of wonderfully intelligent, thoughtful people with whom I both agree and disagree. Blogging has also opened me up to the apparent ravings of lunatics as well. Behold, a sample of what ended up in my inbox last month: First the quakes from global warming, then my “unusually” correct quake predictions…
Harnessing the Incredible Brainpower of Sports Fans
Flash Gordon Quarterback, NY Jets One day I decided I was going to become an American Football fan. I went to a sportswear shop in the mall and picked out a Raiders cap. The Raiders were going to be my team. That afternoon, I arrived at my dishwashing job at the college cafeteria, proudly sporting…
Beyond Belief, Enlightenment 2.0
Daniel Dennet I had the delightful fortune to discover the Salk Institute’s Beyond Belief Conference online about this same time last year. I ended up spending an entire weekend hanging out near my computer, soaking up every single lecture in order while sipping hot chocolate in my pajamas. 2006’s Beyond Belief program was Science, Religion,…
Flying Spaghetti Monster on My Desk (Shhhh… Let’s see if they notice.)
A friend gave me this ultra-nifty handy-dandy spifferific crocheted FSM for the Winter Solstice Holiday Season, and since FSM is my co-pilot, I’ve placed it on my desk for all to appreciate. FSM is My Co-Pilot Here’s the thing. I work for the Federal Government on a Coast Guard Base. We are prohibited from religious…
Thinking Beyond Science Debate 2008
Science Debate 2008 The Union of Concerned Scientists, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Federation of American Scientists, the Scientists & Engineers for America, Audubon… World Wildlife Fund… the Society for Amateur Scientists… the Sierra Club… The list of activist organizations representing the multitude of issues important to Scientists and the Scientifically…
Yahoo Answers Sucks Butt
I figured out that something was seriously wrong with Yahoo Answers recently when I was looking for serious academic research into possible selective breeding practices of American Slave Owners, and found this ignorant racist crap posing as a serious question: Dumbass (Note the Skinhead Avatar) Worse than this, however, is that the questioner then got…
There’s Only One Human Race
Nobel Laureate, James Watson, recently made the claim that blacks were ‘less intelligent,’ than whites, which just goes to show, being smart in one area doesn’t prevent you from being foolish in other realms. The following message is from the American Anthropological Association: “race” has no scientific justification in human biology. Tiger Woods coined the…
Global Cooling Disproves Global Warming Theory
Sorry gang. I have converted. I no longer accept Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory. I simply cannot reply to the deluge of facts presented in David Deming’s Year of global cooling article. The Cognitive Dissonance it’s causing in my brain has given me no choice but to accept that I was wrong. Deming’s a geophysicist, adjunct…
Somma’s Stochastic Revised
My friend BMF photoshopped up the following version of my Somma’s Stochastic Eponym following a comment thread about what symbol best represents science, since the atom caused some confusion: Somma’s Stochastic Revised Bet you wish you had added me to your Facebook friends list now Ira Flatow?!?! Scientists everywhere are going to see this and…
My Scientific Eponym: Somma’s Stochastic
I’ve been trying to figure out how to immortalize myself with my very own Scientific Eponym, and… Eureka! Behold! Somma’s Stochastic Somma’s Stochastic states that the number and intensity of logical fallacies employed by a pundit in a debate is inversely proportional to the empirical evidence supporting their position. Stated Simply The less science behind…