Category: Geeking Out

  • Computer Science Month: A Computer is All Anyone Needs

    A few years ago some dorks tried to make October Computer Science learning month, but now I can’t find any links to it. So I’m guessing it was discontinued due to excessive wedgies and wet-willies being inflicted on participants, which is a shame because computers are the single most coolest invention on the planet right…

  • The Mosaic Meme

    Following in the footsteps of bloggers TGAW and Chriggy. a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search. b. Using only the first page of results, pick an image. c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd’s mosaic maker. The Questions: 1. What is your first…

  • ideonexus superhero

    It’s a little bit on the Jack Kirby side, but here’s my superhero: ideonexus superhero Credit: NASA Create your own here. HT Sour Swinger

  • Amazon Users are Overhyping Spore’s DRM

    Spore Installation So much for the wisdom of crowds! As of my posting this 1,962 of 2,134 reviews posted on Amazon for EA’s Spore are one-star, claiming the DRM method employed by EA to prevent pirating was so draconian that it has rendered the game worthless. So there are 1,962 dimbulbs on the Interwebs, criticising…

  • Published at the SCQ: What Kind of Engineer is God?

    After seeing The Aristocrats, and learning about a joke that comedians tell each other, trying to out-do each other with offensiveness, I thought I’d update this old joke to do the same, but in an attempt to out do other joke-tellers in science. You can read this new spin on and old joke here. One…

  • ideonexus Endorses AVPR1a the Ruthlessness Gene

    Genesis Biolabs Genesis Biolabs sells a $99 Ruthlessness Gene test, which they are recommending everyone thinking about getting married have their potential partner tested for AVPR1a. At the bottom of the page, we find this quote, linking to my Top 10 Genes post: AVPR1a was named one of the Top Ten Human Genes at!…

  • The Is Google Making Us Stoopid? Debate

    Nicholas Carr’s column Is Google Making Us Stupid? in The Atlantic has opened a wonderful disputation that is drawing in great minds from all over the Web. Edge has the blow by blow account of the academic throw-down debate, which centers on the question of how the Internet is affecting the way we think. When…

  • Computer Programming as a Longterm Career

    I came across the blogpost Why a Career in Computer Programming Sucks recently, which argues that programming makes for a terrible long-term career choice because the languages and technologies are always changing: Computer programming is a job that’s heavily dependent on temporary knowledge capital. It’s temporary because the powers that be keep changing the languages…

  • Ideonexus’ Futurism Scorecard

    “Our ignorance is not so vast as our failure to use what we know.” – M. King Hubbert I’m going on five years of blogging now, which gives me enough material to go back and grade my own aptitude at prediction. My favorite bit of personal futurism was my article, Bring on the High Gas…

  • I’ve Been Hacked by the Iranians!

    My pretty-much dead website (which I’m not linking to because it’s got malware right now), where I was keeping an ever-expanding list of science links, hasn’t been updated in over six months. So it makes sense that I wouldn’t notice this has taken over it: Hacked There was a momentary “WHA!?!?” moment upon…

  • The Internet is a Mirror…

    Hermit Tarot Card I test out INTJ (Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging) on the Myers and Briggs personality test, meaning I’m like Isaac Newton, Niels Bohr, and Ada Lovelace. My Riso-Hudson Type Indicator ranks me as Thinker(8), Peacemaker(6), Reformer(4), Skeptic(4), Artist(4), Motivator(4), Helper(3), Generalist(3), Leader(0). I am the Hermit Tarot Card. According to the Are You…

  • How to Turn Your PC into a Science TV

    Step the First Download Miro Player, the free and open-source RSS aggregator for video podcasts. I’m sure there are others, but Miro is, to my experience, the sleekest and most user friendly. Miro (Formerly “Democracy Player”) Step the Second Subscribe to the following shows: Nova’s Science Now presents engaging science from a longtime standard in…