Tag: diatribe

  • Hewlett Packard Product Support Angst

    I wrote this post several weeks ago, but witheld posting it until there was a conclusion: I’m going to rationalize this post as being related to information technology, and therefore something I can legitimately blog. I simply don’t have any other recourse for the incredible frustrations I am feeling towards HP’s Product support for the…

  • Extinction Infringes on my Civil Rights

    You heard me. When some selfish numbnuts corporation or collusion of businesses and politics or just plain-old short-sighted human beings drive some species to extinction, that infringes on my rights. Namely, my right to eat that species. I’ve eaten bear, deer, oysters, ostrich, frogs, turtles, rabbit, pheasant, squid, alligator, octopus, fish, snails, clams, snakes, a…

  • Hey Everybody! It’s Another Global Cooling Report!

    I’m sure this one, unlike the last one and the one before that is for really real this time. Really. This one even made Digg, Drudge, Faux Noise, etc, etc… meaning it’s totally got legs for absolutely certain this time. Right? The article in question openly admits that they’ve had nothing but anecdotal evidence to…

  • Taking the “Carbon” out of “Carbon Sequestration”

    Are dittoheads trying to out-stupid each other? Tom Harris, Ottawa-based mechanical engineer and executive director of the Orwellianly-named Natural Resources Stewardship Project, which lobbies for innaction on Global Warming, has an article in the Washington Times that should be titled “Hey Everybody! Watch How Far I Can Shove My Head Up My Butt!” In it,…

  • ideonexus is a 100% All-American Blog

    Sam Shepard, Apollo 14 dorancha has correctly pointed out, without implying that I personally was a communist, that the Smurfs are pretty much commies living in a Marxist Utopia. Some bloggers have accused me of socialism in my Tragedy of the Commons Explained with Smurfs article. You know who the real commies are in the…

  • Yahoo Answers Sucks Butt

    I figured out that something was seriously wrong with Yahoo Answers recently when I was looking for serious academic research into possible selective breeding practices of American Slave Owners, and found this ignorant racist crap posing as a serious question: Dumbass (Note the Skinhead Avatar) Worse than this, however, is that the questioner then got…

  • Capitalism is a Religion

    This is a play on my blogpost about Environmentalism as Religion.<TOUNG-IN-CHEEK> NeoConservatives believe in the fantasy that all governmental regulations on the market are bad! Bad! BAD! BAD! BAAAD!!! If benevolent corporations like Microsoft, ExxonMobil, and AT&T were just allowed to do whatever they want there would be Universal Health Care and no poverty. Plus…

  • Review of Michael Crichton’s “State of Fear”

    LOLQuack Michael Crichton So I found a copy of Crichton’s book, State of Fear, in a box labeled “Free Books!” at the Coast Guard base, and figured I should go ahead and read it. I’ve read most of his other fiction, which is equally disposable, but usually a fun and brainless way to burn some…

  • The Hyper Ass-Whupping Global Warming Arena Ruckus Spectacular Hootenanny

    HAWGWARSH Not to be outdone by Steve Milloy, I’m offering a BAZILLION-JILLION DOLLARS (That’s more money than infinity!) to anyone who can disprove the following Global Warming Hypotheses: HAWGWARSH Hypothesis #1 A genetically-engineered race of super-elves, funded by the axis of Cultural Villainy’s Sierra Club, Lambda Horizons, and China are rubbing their buttockses together in…

  • Daylight Savings Time Software Glitches

    My cell phone has been waking me up an hour early all week because it thinks that Daylight Savings Time (DST) began last weekend. I can’t change the time because it’s managed by Cingular, so it’s the fault of their systems. Several local banks in Elizabeth City are broadcasting the incorrect time as well. This…

  • Moving Mountains to Overcome Cultural Stasis

    Querty VS Dvorak Keyboard layouts… The Metric System… Base number systems… Where to sneeze… I’ve been wrestling with a lot of obsolete cultural artifacts in the last few weeks. All of these subjects are examples of society adhering to overly-complex, inefficient, or just plain wrong cultural standards. We make life complicated for a our children…

  • American Government Workers Outnumber Private Sector

    So I’ve been trying to follow the recent revelation that, if you count all the government employees and contractors, that there are now more people in America reliant on the government for their paycheck than there are in the private sector. The NYT covered the blog wars about it in their article, Debating American Serfdom.…