interweaving ideas
The Problem with Inventors’ Day
A Happy American Inventor Day to everyone, which occurs on Thomas Alva Edison’s birthday. The same Edison who’s DC power was finally turned off in November after 125 years of inferiority and who swindled Nicholas Tesla out of $50,000. That’s right, today is in honor of Thomas Edison the hypocrite who bootlegged the film Voyage…
Evolution Sunday
Today more than 618 Congregations across America and five nations will participate in Evolution Sunday. More than 10,000 ministers have signed the letter supporting the idea that science and religion are not incompatible, and support for Evolution Sunday grew 13 per cent to 530 congregations in 2007. Several years ago, I was married to a…
Does Nature Trump Nurture in Obesity?
Has Nature really beaten Nuture in the battle of the bulge, as this Times Article, Genes not poor diet blamed for most cases of childhood obesity reveals? The article makes a glossing mention of environmental factors also playing a role in obesity, but overall the article emphasizes how genes are the major constant among obese…
Tragedy of the Commons Explained with Smurfs
Has been posted at the Science Creative Quarterly. 99 Smurfs on the Wall Our Earth is filled with finite resources that we, as the Human Race, exploit for personal gain. Oil, Fish Stocks, Forests, Clean Air, and water are just a few of the resources that nobody “owns,” but everybody needs in order to survive.…
The National Debt is a “Grandchild Tax”
“Children are living messages we send to a time we will not see.” – John W. Whitehead Dear Babyboomers, I just wanted to wish you congratulations on your impending retirement. Could you do Generation X, Y, the Millennials, and so forth a favor before you go, and please clean up your $7,000,000,000,000 mess before leaving…
Just Science 2008
I just wanted to take a moment to direct readers to Just Science 2008 a collection of bloggers who have all agreed to blog only science this week and post at least once a day. There’s some head-spinning technical stuff up there and some very witty writing as well. I had originally signed up for…
For What It’s Worth, Please Vote Barack Obama
Barack Obama Barack Obama came out of nowhere, delivering a suprise inspirational speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and writing two books Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope, both of which revealed a remarkably intellectual individual who believes in Enlightenment ideals. In the last four years, Obama has proven himself undefeatable…
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History: Hall of Fossils
The Hall of Fossils Trilobite Growth Cycle Walking through the Hall of Fossils is walking through time, from the earliest rocks to modern humans, the extensive collection of original fossils and cast skeletons either makes creationists very silly or god very deceptive. You can view the complete flickr set here.
Blogging has introduced me lots of wonderfully intelligent, thoughtful people with whom I both agree and disagree. Blogging has also opened me up to the apparent ravings of lunatics as well. Behold, a sample of what ended up in my inbox last month: First the quakes from global warming, then my “unusually” correct quake predictions…
50th Anniversary of America Entering the Space Race
“At the time, we didn’t know a great deal, but we felt comfortable that we could put something up. And we liked the difference between our satellite and Sputnik. Ours flew science, the Van Allen experiment.” – Carl Raggio, a mechanical engineer on the Explorer team Explorer I Image by NASA 50 years ago, at…
Harnessing the Incredible Brainpower of Sports Fans
Flash Gordon Quarterback, NY Jets One day I decided I was going to become an American Football fan. I went to a sportswear shop in the mall and picked out a Raiders cap. The Raiders were going to be my team. That afternoon, I arrived at my dishwashing job at the college cafeteria, proudly sporting…
What a Wonderful Trip It’s Been: Y the Last Man
Y the Last Man I would love to go back and read through all the graphic novels I’ve bought collecting this series from its beginnings, but they’ve all been loaned out to people who loaned them out to other people and so on and so on. I did recently have the time to review my…