Tag: politics

  • 50th Anniversary of Kudryavka (Laika)

    “Work with animals is a source of suffering to all of us. We treat them like babies who cannot speak. The more time passes, the more I’m sorry about it. We shouldn’t have done it. We did not learn enough from the mission to justify the death of the dog.” ” – Oleg Gazenko, leading…

  • Steve Milloy’s Ultimate Global Warming Challenge

    LOL Steve Milloy Steve “JunkScience” Milloy, who in addition to his Faux News paycheck, receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the tobacco industry to assure Faux viewers that second-hand smoke is a myth and cancer links to cigarettes are overblown, has issued an Ultimate Global Warming Challenge. $125,000 will be awarded to the first…

  • Blackwater Public Forum

    Blackwater Satellite Photo: 36.27 N 76.12W I live just 30 minutes south of the Blackwater Training Center, the company which has been in the news much of late for killing Iraqi civilians. Locals here in North Eastern North Carolina overwhelmingly support Blackwater, which is one of the area’s largest employers (600 locals), against the charges.…

  • Al Gore’s Candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize

    Incoherent letters to the editor are expressing outrage over the rumors about Al Gore’s nomination. Damian Thompson brought up the tired old argument that Al Gore produces greenhouse gases by existing (which are preferable to the plague of mind-numbing stupidity Thompson’s columns invoke in his readers). Faux News commentators were practically falling over one another…

  • Banned Books Week 2007

    Madeleine L’Engle #22 on the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000 A Wrinkle in Time What I believe is so magnificent, so glorious, that it is beyond finite comprehension. To believe that the universe was created by a purposeful, benign Creator is one thing. To believe that this Creator took on human vesture, accepted…

  • Is It Life Yet?

    Stem Cells Life? Sperm and Egg Not Life? So I’m mulling the news that scientists hope to harvest stem cells from testicles. Beyond the way this new development makes me squeak with fear and cross my legs protectively, it’s also muddling my mind with cognitive dissonance trying to understand why harvesting stem cells from someone’s…

  • American Government Workers Outnumber Private Sector

    So I’ve been trying to follow the recent revelation that, if you count all the government employees and contractors, that there are now more people in America reliant on the government for their paycheck than there are in the private sector. The NYT covered the blog wars about it in their article, Debating American Serfdom.…

  • President Ahmadinejad Goes to Columbia University and Gets Spanked

    …and the Columbia president, Lee Bollinger, took him to the ‘splainin’ room: “Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator,” he said, to applause, before directly issuing Mr. Ahmadinejad a series of strongly worded questions on his country’s poor record of civil rights and support of terrorism. “I doubt that…