interweaving ideas
EFF RIAA vs The People Report
Robotic Intergalactic Astro-Artists (RIAA) Let me begin this post with the following caveat: P2P Sharing of Copyrighted Music is WRONG. It is stealing, and there is no rationalizing our way out of it even though most of us, myself included, have done it from time to time. That being said, I’d also like to add:…
Creationist Answer Wheel
Dear Creationist Friends, Are you tired of all those troubling questions Evolutionists are always throwing at you? Rebuking questions like, “What’s with all the fossils?” and “Why do we have appendixes?” and “Genesis chapter one and two contradict each other, which is the real story of creation?” can really push a believer to sell their…
Anniversary of the 9/11 Tragedy of 1857
Today marks the 150th anniversary of a dark and tragic even in American history, when a group of religious fanatics brutally slaughtered unarmed men, women, and children. On Sept. 11, 1857, at the Mountain Meadows Massacre, Mormon fanatics murdered more than 120 settlers who were passing through Utah on their way to California. The Mormons…
Letter to the Editor About Michael Vick: Vick shouldn’t play in NFL again
Heard last week on NPR’s “Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” on what Leona Helmsley’s dog, Trouble, is going to do with the $12 million she’s inherited: “She’s going to buy a bunch of professional football players and angry them up.” After reading the letter to the editor “Anger at Vick disproportionate” in my local paper…
Black is the New Black
I couldn’t take it anymore. Yes, I know white text on black background really cheeses off some people, but I find it easier on the eyes once the pupils open up and adjust to the diminished brightness. I tend to agree with the reasoning that black text on a white background works on paper because…
The Eat Local Challenge
Whoops! I’m a week behind on this one, but apparently September is Eat Local Month, an effort to get people to think about where their food comes from by eating food produced within 100 miles of where you live. Why eat local? See 10 Reasons to Eat Local Food. “Local” is better than “Organic.” Waitaminute!…
Venusday Haiku: Flea-Ridden Feline
My Felis catus Has Ctenocephalides he itchy kitty For those of you who enjoy science and enjoy haiku, like I do (Rhymes! Ha!). The Science Creative Quarterly is seeking a few hundred phylogeny haikus.I submitted about two-dozen a month ago, and I recieved an e-mail this week thanking me for the contribution and assuring me…
Jupiterday Humor: Who are the NPC’s in this Game of Life?
Okay, so I can’t seem to get the whole life is a simulation meme out of my head. It’s simultaneously liberating, because life is all B.S., and fascinating, because of all the potential implications. Thinking about life as just a really advanced video game begs the obvious: Who are the Non-Player Characters? The bots? The…
Mercuryday Links: D.I.Y.
In honor of the new, radical to the max web-comic-blog howtoons, I thought I’d post resources to the other DIY (Do It Yourself) Movement resources. We live in a society where producers tell us what we want, and too many of us surrender our individuality and get drawn right into their bullying tactics. The D.I.Y.…
Marsday Book Review: Sacred Geometry
The Negatives Sacred Geometry Deciphering the Code Pursuant to my interest in the beauty of mathematical ideas, I decided to pick up a copy of Stephen Skinner’s book, Sacred Geometry, which surveys the beauty and synchronicities of whole numbers and geometric concepts. This is a beautify, however somewhat flawed book, and I’ve decided to break…
The Buckminster Fuller Challenge
“Does humanity have a chance to survive lastingly and successfully on planet Earth, and if so, how?” – Buckminster Fuller American Pavilion’s Geodesic Dome Image Courtesy of Library and Archives Canada The Buckminster Fuller Institute begins accepting submissions for its Buckminster Fuller Challenge today through October 30th, 2007. …seeks submissions of design science solutions within…