Tag: environmentalism

  • DaisyWorld, A Fable of Planetary Homeostasis

    Screenshot of DaisyWorld Simulation Credit: GingerBooth.com Long long ago in a galaxy far far away, there was a cold, gray planet named DaisyWorld orbiting a star much like our Sun. On this planet some aliens scientists sprinkled some seeds that produced only white and black daisies. The aliens were performing an experiment just like James…

  • Envirowacko Harry Reid Says “Coal Makes Us Sick”

    Is there anything more amusing than watching dittheads work themselves up into a frothing, impotent rage when confronted with Reality’s liberal bias? Most recently they’ve started rolling around, slobbering all over themselves over this video of Harry Reid pointing out that “Coal makes us sick:” How dare he say that Oil and Coal makes us…

  • Putting Microbes to Work for Us

    “civilization is a race between education and catastrophe.” – H.G. Welles It took life on Earth millions years to figure out how to digest cellulose, the hard wall that makes up the cells of plants, efficiently to get at the energy inside it. In fact, complex lifeforms, such as Cows and Termites, have to take…

  • Prescience, Futurism, Hard SF… Go See WALL-E

    WALL-E’s Curiosity Gives it Purpose Credit: Pixar Studios Great Science Fiction films come out so rarely that I am overjoyed when a movie like Pixar’s WALL-E hits the screens. This is one of those rare SF stories that ventures into the distant future, a place so alien most SF writers don’t want to touch it.…

  • John Coleman, Global Warming, and the Price of a Gallon of Gas

    John Coleman, weatherman for KUSI in San Diego, has an unintentionally hilarious rant posted, Global Warming and the Price of a Gallon of Gas, where he blames Global Warming Theorists for the high cost of oil and what he seems to think is the impending destruction of civilization because of it. Mind you, it’s not…

  • International Weblogger’s Day 2008: Change

    It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charels Darwin Homo sapiens experience change throughout our lives, but when it comes to changes on the scale of our civilization or environment, we have the perspective of walking along the Earth’s surface,…

  • 29-MAR-2008 @ 2000 Local: Earth Hour 2008

    Earth at Night Image by NASA Tonight at 8:00 pm is Earth Hour 2008, brainchild of Australia’s World Wildlife Fund. The idea is to turn off all your lights between the hours of 8 and 9 pm your local time. People all over the world are taking part, and even cities are shutting down lights…

  • More Global Cooling Evidence Embarrasses the IPCC Orthodoxy

    A recent article that appeared in The Australian, Climate facts to warm to, has the transcript of an important interview with Dr. Jennifer Marohasy a biologist, free market advocate, and Global Warming skeptic. When asked “Is the Earth still warming?” Dr. Marohasy replied: No, actually, there has been cooling, if you take 1998 as your…

  • Copyright Infringement on Ideonexus

    I think I’ve gotten really good at this since I started running with ideonexus full speed, keeping the daily posts stocked with photos I get from NASA, wikimedia commons, and other legitimate sources, like flickr creative commons photos. However, I think it’s important to acknowledge that I did violate a photographer’s copyright in my 20071126…

  • Extinction Infringes on my Civil Rights

    You heard me. When some selfish numbnuts corporation or collusion of businesses and politics or just plain-old short-sighted human beings drive some species to extinction, that infringes on my rights. Namely, my right to eat that species. I’ve eaten bear, deer, oysters, ostrich, frogs, turtles, rabbit, pheasant, squid, alligator, octopus, fish, snails, clams, snakes, a…

  • The Sixth Mass Extinction

    Artist’s Impression of the Chicxulub Impact Image courtesy of NASA The most famous mass extinction is the Cretaceous-Tertiary, which killed the dinosaurs 65.5 million years ago. It was most likely caused by a meteorite that left a crater 150 miles in diameter off the Gulf of Mexico and a layer of iridium-rich dust all over…

  • Future Wonder of the World: Three Gorges Dam

    Three Gorges Dam Before Filling Reservoir Image Courtesy Wikimedia Click for a Larger Image When Three Gorges Dam goes fully online in China in 2009, after 17 years of construction, it will be 607 feet high and 1.4 miles long. Its reservoir will be 410 miles in length and 3,700 feet in width. It will…