interweaving ideas
Governor Sonny Perdue’s Rain Dance
There is a fantastic scene in the film Apocalyptico, where the Mayan leaders are brutally sacrificing people in a steady stream of victims until a solar eclipse occurs and the spiritual leaders declare the gods are satisfied. The Mayan civilization is gripped in a terrible drought, the people are desperate, and the Mayan Spiritual leaders…
The Little Red Dot from Brussels
My blog doesn’t drive the most traffic in the world. In fact, it’s pretty sad in comparison to some of my friends, but I write, not because I enjoy it, but because I have to write. It’s in my blood, it always has, and it slave drives me like an obsessive compulsive scrubbing permanent marker…
One Laptop Per Child Now On Sale!!!
OLPC Logo I’ve ordered mine, have you ordered your’s? All the cool kids are ordering one. Don’t you want to be part of the “in” crowd? Not only does ordering one of these super-duper, ultra-nifty, best-thing-since-sliced-bread-cubed improve your health, fortunes, and make you more appealing to members of the opposite sex in general, but every…
Happy Birthday Kurt Vonnegut!
Kurt Vonnegut Photo by Ryan Somma He would be 85 today. This great writer survived the firebombing of Dresden, wrote dozens of books and short stories, and was honorary president of the American Humanist Association. Although he objected to the description, Vonnegut wrote many science fiction stories. In his book Cat’s Cradle, he came up…
New Blog: Geeking Out
I am officially a professional blogger! The blog is called Geeking Out, it’s for my local paper, I’m getting paid for it (barely), and I’ve added the RSS feed for it to this blog’s sidebar. : ) Keep an eye out for my upcoming nervous breakdown trying to keep up with all of this.
How to Bring Down the Mood on
Post this pic: LOLCat Mollie “i can has hugz?” Despite having one of her back legs amputated, skin grafts to her front paws, and one sadly amusing temper tantrum, she has made a full recovery and resumed her position as neighborhood bully. Mollie is a scrapper cat. This picture is definately too sad for the…
Happy Birthday Carl Sagan!
Carl Sagan He would be 73 today. As Sagan was dying, he stressed the fact that his quasi-atheism did not make him fear death at all, but rather he was always overjoyed for having the opportunity to even briefly exist and experience at all. The world is a much happier place for his having existed.…
Super Science Ninja Squad: Jane Goodall
The Hyper Ass-Whupping Global Warming Arena Ruckus Spectacular Hootenanny
HAWGWARSH Not to be outdone by Steve Milloy, I’m offering a BAZILLION-JILLION DOLLARS (That’s more money than infinity!) to anyone who can disprove the following Global Warming Hypotheses: HAWGWARSH Hypothesis #1 A genetically-engineered race of super-elves, funded by the axis of Cultural Villainy’s Sierra Club, Lambda Horizons, and China are rubbing their buttockses together in…
50th Anniversary of Kudryavka (Laika)
“Work with animals is a source of suffering to all of us. We treat them like babies who cannot speak. The more time passes, the more I’m sorry about it. We shouldn’t have done it. We did not learn enough from the mission to justify the death of the dog.” ” – Oleg Gazenko, leading…
“How To Fly” Published at the Science Creative Quarterly
The Science Creative Quarterly posted my article How To Fly: Also, LOLQuacks has posted my LOLStevenMilloy photo. “The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss” With these words, Douglas Adams helpfully explained concept of flying in his Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. But the ground is really big,…