interweaving ideas
“Simulation’s End” Posted to Oort-Cloud
Miniscule zygotes, Grow up to form memes, Verily, Verily, Verily, Verily, Life is but a real-time strategy game. I’ve been playing around speculatively with this whole Physical World as a Virtual Reality concept and wrote a short story exploring some of the implications: Anzel took a deep breath and closed his eyes as the cooling…
Super Science Ninja Squad: Alan Turing
Sadly, after his chemical castration, Turing committed suicide by eating a cyanide-laced apple.
The Digital Big-Bang
One Gigabyte 20 Years Ago (left) One Gigabyte Today (Right) source Bill Gates is often misquoted as having said, “no one will ever need more than 640K of memory,” in the 1980s. 24 years ago, my Commodore 64 personal computer ran games like “Mail-Order Monsters” and “Archon” on a mere 64 kilobytes of memory. This…
Naomi Oreskes: The American Denial of Global Warming
“This generation has altered the composition of the atmosphere on a global scale through… a steady increase in carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.” – Lyndon Johnson, 1965 This extremely well-researched talk given by Naomi Oreskes and posted to Scientific American is generating some discussion online, and should generate much more. It reveals…
Stephen Wolfram’s “A New Kind of Science”
A New Kind of Science Many books I like to read with a yellow highlighter, reading Stephen Wolfram’s ANKOS I was compelled to whip out a red pen. While his 1,000-plus page field-guide to cellular automata and complexity theory is brimming with fantastic examples of all shapes, sizes, and dimensions, Wolfram’s writing and failure to…
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History: Hall of Gems
Hope Diamond The Hall of Gems reminded me of this quote from Henry David Thoreau: “When the frost comes out in the spring, and even in a thawing day in the winter, the sand begins to flow down the slopes like lava, sometimes bursting out through the snow and overflowing it where no sand was…
The Real Recycling Myth
Per Bylund of Colliding Softly blog has an article the Dittoheads are all chirping about, The Myth of Recycling, where he derides the Swedish recycling program as “coercive environmentalism”: This coercive recycling structure is set up in layers, where the consumer (“producer” of waste) gets to do most of the work of sorting, cleaning, and…
Bloomberg’s Hyperbole on Global Warming
New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has been quoted in the New York Sun as making the following statement to the UN General Assembly: “Terrorists kill people. Weapons of mass destruction have the potential to kill an enormous amount of people,” Mr. Bloomberg told reporters after addressing the U.N. General Assembly, but “global warming in the…
Sun Spot Cycle Prompts Fears of Global Cooling
Yet again my religious faith in Anthropogenic Global Warming has been shaken to its core by the power of Conservative Science. Witness the headline appearing on the Drudge Report last week: “Sun’s ‘disturbingly quiet’ cycle prompts fear of global COOLING…” The article in question points out that there is nothing to show CO2 variations have…
ideonexus is a 100% All-American Blog
Sam Shepard, Apollo 14 dorancha has correctly pointed out, without implying that I personally was a communist, that the Smurfs are pretty much commies living in a Marxist Utopia. Some bloggers have accused me of socialism in my Tragedy of the Commons Explained with Smurfs article. You know who the real commies are in the…
Happy Darwin Day
Darwin Day Check out the official Darwin Day Website here.