interweaving ideas
Envirowacko Harry Reid Says “Coal Makes Us Sick”
Is there anything more amusing than watching dittheads work themselves up into a frothing, impotent rage when confronted with Reality’s liberal bias? Most recently they’ve started rolling around, slobbering all over themselves over this video of Harry Reid pointing out that “Coal makes us sick:” How dare he say that Oil and Coal makes us…
Science is Free (as in Beer)
One of the things I loooooooooove about science writing is all the free stuff. Scientists aren’t like those crummy jerks at the Associated Press, scientists want you to talk about what they’re doing. They want us bloggers to quote them, link to them, post their photos. Scientists give away tons and tons of intellectual property…
Published at the SCQ: Explaining Our World: Science VS Creationism
My latest article is up at the Science Creative Quarterly: Explaining Our World: Science VS Creationism. My previous articles are still available there as well: Tragedy of the Commons Explained With Smurfs Science Fiction VS Fantasy: An Opinionated Guide How To Fly Enjoy! The Coccyx, or Tail Bone Science: Our predecessors had tails, and we…
Putting Microbes to Work for Us
“civilization is a race between education and catastrophe.” – H.G. Welles It took life on Earth millions years to figure out how to digest cellulose, the hard wall that makes up the cells of plants, efficiently to get at the energy inside it. In fact, complex lifeforms, such as Cows and Termites, have to take…
Prescience, Futurism, Hard SF… Go See WALL-E
WALL-E’s Curiosity Gives it Purpose Credit: Pixar Studios Great Science Fiction films come out so rarely that I am overjoyed when a movie like Pixar’s WALL-E hits the screens. This is one of those rare SF stories that ventures into the distant future, a place so alien most SF writers don’t want to touch it.…
Adventuring: NY Hall of Science Center Room
Most of my photos from this large, science playground of a room came out as just blurs of motion, so dynamic are the displays. Giant molecules, genetically engineered potato plants, microbes, microscopes, and sculptures of the atomic fill the area, begging to be played with. Thermal Ryan View the complete flickr set here.
Flash SF Story: Scriptures
“Father,” Demetrius’ voice trembled, his youthful blue eyes were swollen and watery, “I cannot absolve myself of these doubts.” Lord Balthasar placed two firm and reassuring hands on Demetrius’ shoulders, welcoming this distraction from the unrelenting hunger pains that plagued them all, “It is uncommon for one to question their faith in such desperate times,…
Why Scientists Can’t be Atheists
I found the following quote from the former Vice President of Mensa International and president of the American Humanist Association and author of like a bazillion brilliant books very thought-provoking: Isaac Asimov I prefer rationalism to atheism. The question of God and other objects-of-faith are outside reason and play no part in rationalism, thus you…
The Scientist’s Oath
The Journal Nature has published an article calling for a Hippocratic Oath for life scientists. Medical doctors have a Hippocratic Oath, which guides their ethics and prohibits them from doing harm, and so do Veterinarians. I am 100% for this, and it appears many others are all ready well ahead on the idea. GrrlScientist has…
Barack Obama’s Biblical Errors
James Dobson, host of the Focus on the Family radio show, is attacking Barack Obama for distorting the Biblical Scripture in his ‘Call to Renewal’ Keynote Address given June 28, 2006, and where Obama argues, “Democracy demands that the religiously motivated translate their concerns into universal, rather than religion-specific, values.” In this speech on religious…
Computer Science Grrl Power
I wish I went on quicker. That is–I wish a human head, or my head at all event, could take in a great deal more & a great deal more rapidly than is the case;–and if I had made up my own head, I would have portioned its wishes & ambition a little more to…
Medicine’s Ivory Tower Meets the Information Age
If evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve. – Jello Biafra ideonexus’ DNA Via: baekdal California has joined New York in taking stand against home DNA testing, issuing 13 cease and desist letters to companies offering home genetic tests. In addition to the companies being required to meet safety and testing standards (which nobody has…