Punxsutawney Phil Disproves Anthropogenic Climate Change

THAT’S RIGHT!!! SIX MORE WEEKS OF WINTER!!! Where’s your Anthropogenic Climate Change now scientists??? Huh? HUH?? HUH???

Punxsutawney Phil

Punxsutawney Phil says HUH!?!?
Credit: alemaxale

An you know what else??? It snowed somewhere in America last week. That’s right. IT SNOWED IN JANUARY SOMEWHERE IN AMERICA!!! In fact, as of my writing this, people are still without power!!! (Pay no attention to the crumbling American infrastructure those bleeding-heart libbies keep throwing up as a red heron.)

You know what else? It snowed in Washington DC right at the same time Al Gore was giving a talk on Climate Change!!! That totally disproves him you know??? It does so!!! It’s a logical phallusy to omit the snowing outside where he was giving his talk!

So take that you libruls!!! You might have 40 or more scientific organizations drinking your AGW Kool-Aid, but we have the American Association of Petroleum Geologists denying it! So it’s not a consensus!!! Plus we have the snow and winter and a world-famous Ground Hog and exclamation points and ALL CAPS!!! <– LOOK AT THOSE EXCLAMATION POINTS AND ALL CAPS EQUALS NO CONSENSUS!!! NOOOOOO!!! CONSENSUS!!!

Plus we have Rush Limbaugh, who’s doubly famous because he totally looks like that guy who stole Pee Wee Herman’s bike!!!

Rush Limbaugh totally looks like that Guy Who Stole Pee Wee Herman's Bike

Rush Limbaugh totally looks like
that Guy Who Stole Pee Wee Herman’s Bike

Credit: Moi

A guy who looks like the guy who stole Pee Wee’s bike is NO CONSENSUS!!! Thpppt!!! ON YOU!!! THPPPT!!!! THPPPT!!! THPPPT!!!

(Sorry. This is what happens when I read the Drudge Report.)






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