Rush Limbaugh Admires Chinese Gasoline Subsidies

How about this for Conservatism?

See, the ChiComs need their economy growing. They need people driving around, moving around. They need people to be able to afford fuel, so they’re subsidizing fuel. They’re not bailing people out of stupid home mortgage messes. They’re buying their gasoline for them, because they need an economy. Know what energy means to this, the whole subject of economic growth. So meanwhile, the ChiComs, a country certainly growing, certainly on the rise, but it ain’t the United States of America. How does it make you feel that Zhang Linsen has a big Hummer with nine speakers blaring as he pulls out into a four-lane road with so much smog he basically can’t see the car in front of him, and you are trading in all of your cars and trying to go out and find basically a lawn mower.

So when the free market sets gasoline prices high, the United States should start buying our gas for us to keep up with the Chinese???

Sorry Rush, I prefer to let market forces push America toward alternative energy sources to the idea that the United States should borrow more money from China to give it to the Middle East.






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