Liberal Guilt

I’m at a restaurant last night, and there are leftovers. Not much in the way of leftovers, but enough to make me feel guilty about wasting food.

However, I’m not too keen on asking for a doggie bag because I know this restaurant uses non-biodegradable Styrofoam containers.

It’s better to send the food to the dump and let it compost than send the Styrofoam out into the world where some poor sea-turtle will mistake it for a jellyfish and choke to death, right?

But then I start thinking about all those people starving all over the world due to incredible food shortages, and then I’m feeling guilty about eating in a restaurant at all while they’re eating mud to stave off hunger, and my driving to the restaurant doesn’t help as the ethanol craze drives food prices through the roof.

And here I am, breathing and massacring millions of bacteria with each breath!!! Aaaagh!!!

Why did I even get out of bed this morning?

Note: Felt a little better after donating to Food for the Poor






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