Carl Zimmer’s on MySpace!

And he added me as friend! w00t!!! I’m totally pwning these InterWebs and stuff!

The Carl Zimmer, author of many excellent books that I need to read, and author of The Loom science blog, which has covered such fascinating topics as parasitic wasps that mind-control cockroaches and kick-ass Science Tattoos.

Aaaaaand, for the moment, I’m in his top friends!!! And I got the f1rst p0st on his profile! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

Sure, Tom is in the #1 spot, but he’s everybody’s friend on myspace, not discriminating at all. That guy is a slut.

Baby Einstein DVDs Make Babies Dumb
MySpace is pwned!

I had to take a snap shot of this for posterity. You know, before people he actually knows start adding him and I get dropped out of the top friends list and eventually lost under the avalanche of people who will inevitably add him, but, for now, I rule.

This is so going on my resume.






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