I’m a tatoo afficionado with about 20 hours of ink set into the left side of my body (I won’t get tattooed on the right side of my body because I believe good art is unbalanced.). I have many plans for future tattoos, but I am waiting for the right artist to come to me.
Tibetan Symbol for “Ommmmmm…”
Oriental-Style Dragon
Tribal-Style Shadowdancer
Paths to Truth.
Mural to Science
1. Chaos Butterfly starts the reaction.
2. The chain reaction is expressed as a wave function.
3. (Maybe) Tribute to the Lab Rat, sacrificed on the journey.
Insert – A Yin-Yang symbol with E/mc2.
4. Wave function splits, here we encounter Schrodinger’s cat, an animal both alive and dead at the same time.
5. Split function changes into a DNA Double-Helix.
6. Life evolves sentience and the i/I fallacy emerges.
7. Wave function becomes a spiral galaxy. Overlaying this is a mobius strip crawling with monkeys, symbolizing the infinite monkeys (Infinite Monkeys with Infinite Typewriters equals infinite possibility).