Tag: humor

  • Somma’s Stochastic Revised

    My friend BMF photoshopped up the following version of my Somma’s Stochastic Eponym following a comment thread about what symbol best represents science, since the atom caused some confusion: Somma’s Stochastic Revised Bet you wish you had added me to your Facebook friends list now Ira Flatow?!?! Scientists everywhere are going to see this and…

  • Adventures in Dating 2.0

    The Internet hosts a wide variety of novel match making services. Personals applications, Social Networking sites, Chat Rooms, and the like all provide the socially inept, like myself, dating opportunities previously unavailable before the Information Age. I can’t imagine how socially-awkward Baby-Boomers found true love without the World Wide Web to aid them. I’m guessing…

  • My Scientific Eponym: Somma’s Stochastic

    I’ve been trying to figure out how to immortalize myself with my very own Scientific Eponym, and… Eureka! Behold! Somma’s Stochastic Somma’s Stochastic states that the number and intensity of logical fallacies employed by a pundit in a debate is inversely proportional to the empirical evidence supporting their position. Stated Simply The less science behind…

  • PZ Myers is Rockin’ on my Facebook! Suck it H8rs!!!

    PZ Myers on my Facebook A Biology professor at the University of Minnesota, PZ Myer’s sharp wit and powerful logic put the smack down on Intelligent Design’s anti-science agenda. For the last five years, Myer’s evolution-promotin’, evangelical-blastin’, cephalopod-appreciatin’ blog Pharyngula has generated between 10,000 and 25,000 hits daily and posts that exceed hundreds of comments.…

  • Gee. That’s a Pretty Crappy Dodecahedron Charlie Brown

    I had this fantastic idea for a science-themed holiday ornament for the science center, where I would elaborate on the Dixie Cup Spherical Dodecahedron, by putting string lights in the cups and everyone would look on in awe at how awesomely brilliant I am… except I put it together wrong: Holiday Dodecahedron I have vowed…

  • Published at the SCQ! Science Fiction VS Fantasy

    “Chosen One” Archtype The Science Creative Quarterly has posted an abrieviated version of my Science Fiction VS Fantasy article. The picture to the right didn’t make the cut, neither did 90% of section II for being contradictory, and neither did some of my more juvenile, however insightful observations about Conan not wiping his butt. So…

  • LOL Michael Crichton

    My LOL Michael Crichton made it to LOL Quacks. : )

  • Capitalism is a Religion

    This is a play on my blogpost about Environmentalism as Religion.<TOUNG-IN-CHEEK> NeoConservatives believe in the fantasy that all governmental regulations on the market are bad! Bad! BAD! BAD! BAAAD!!! If benevolent corporations like Microsoft, ExxonMobil, and AT&T were just allowed to do whatever they want there would be Universal Health Care and no poverty. Plus…

  • When in Doubt, Emoticon

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had little misunderstandings explode into full-blown flame-wars in my e-mail inbox. One second I’m having a polite debate with a friend over the comparative merits of government-sponsored versus third-party payment methods for health coverage or whether Captain Picard was cooler than Captain Kirk on Star Trek (Totally…

  • We Live in the Cosmic Boondocks

    I hate living in the boonies. No, I’m not referring to Northeastern North Carolina, I’m referring to our location on a scope that surpasses geography and ventures into cosmology. Our sun is one of about 200 billion stars swirling around in a galaxy that’s a 100,000 light years across. If only 10 percent of those…

  • Andrew Kavanagh’s on my Facebook!

    Hey all you “cool” kids from my high school, remember this? Ryan: Hey guys! Can I ride to school with you? Cool Kids: Okay Ryan, but we can’t be seen with you, so you’ll have to ride in the trunk. Ryan: Sweet! Now I won’t be like all those losers who ride the bus to…

  • One Laptop Per Child Now On Sale!!!

    OLPC Logo I’ve ordered mine, have you ordered your’s? All the cool kids are ordering one. Don’t you want to be part of the “in” crowd? Not only does ordering one of these super-duper, ultra-nifty, best-thing-since-sliced-bread-cubed improve your health, fortunes, and make you more appealing to members of the opposite sex in general, but every…