Month: November 2010

  • Memetic Association Exercizes with Science Tarot

    Visconti-Sforza tarot deck, 15th Century If you’re looking to part a fool and their money, psychic readings are a great business*. Through the art of cold reading,by making statements that seem personal, but are true for most people, the psychic creates the illusion of having supernatural intuition about their client. For instance, they may say…

  • Relating Thermodynamic Entropy to Information Entropy with Maxwell’s Demon

    Brownian motion, the natural vibrations of atoms not at an absolute zero temperature, has long been the strategic key for anyone looking for a way to achieve the holy grail of reversing the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that a closed system will always move toward a state of increasing disorder. I previously covered…

  • Cloud Computing’s Real Strength

    cloud passing by Credit: Diego Sevilla Ruiz “Cloud Computing will revolutionize IT!” Really? What’s Cloud Computing? “Instead of people installing software on their local computers, future applications will run on host computers!” So Cloud Computing is just a funny name for a client/server Mainframe Architecture? “But it’s not running on a Mainframe! It’s running in…