Tag: environmentalism

  • Governor Sonny Perdue’s Rain Dance

    There is a fantastic scene in the film Apocalyptico, where the Mayan leaders are brutally sacrificing people in a steady stream of victims until a solar eclipse occurs and the spiritual leaders declare the gods are satisfied. The Mayan civilization is gripped in a terrible drought, the people are desperate, and the Mayan Spiritual leaders…

  • Steve Milloy’s Ultimate Global Warming Challenge

    LOL Steve Milloy Steve “JunkScience” Milloy, who in addition to his Faux News paycheck, receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the tobacco industry to assure Faux viewers that second-hand smoke is a myth and cancer links to cigarettes are overblown, has issued an Ultimate Global Warming Challenge. $125,000 will be awarded to the first…

  • Al Gore’s Candidacy for the Nobel Peace Prize

    Incoherent letters to the editor are expressing outrage over the rumors about Al Gore’s nomination. Damian Thompson brought up the tired old argument that Al Gore produces greenhouse gases by existing (which are preferable to the plague of mind-numbing stupidity Thompson’s columns invoke in his readers). Faux News commentators were practically falling over one another…

  • Ecological Debt Day

    Today, October 6th, the world has used up all the natural resources the Earth can produce to sustain us for the year. This means that, until January 1, 2008, we are spending resources from our future and the future of our children: Global Footprint Network today revealed October 6 is Ecological Debt day – the…