interweaving ideas
The Demagogues
“[P]olitics has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.”–Henry Adams A Demagogue is someone who attains influence or political power through inflaming people’s emotions. The methods Demagogues use are legion, from distorting the truth, selectively choosing what facts to portray, to outright lying. Demagogues pull you into their world, make you see only what they…
Intelligence: Wonderous Diversity of Minds
What is intelligence? It is a subjective concept, but Psychologist Howard Gardner’s Seven Types of Intelligence, as they apply to children, is a good place to start: Linguistic – Children with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles. Logical-Mathematical – Children with lots of logical intelligence are interested in…
Tattoo Pictures
I’m a tatoo afficionado with about 20 hours of ink set into the left side of my body (I won’t get tattooed on the right side of my body because I believe good art is unbalanced.). I have many plans for future tattoos, but I am waiting for the right artist to come to me.…
How To Demonstrate in Public
Throughout world history, people have found newer and more effective ways to bring issues out for discussion and debate that would otherwise never see the light of day under the control of an insensitive majority. In American government, politicians have employed the filibuster, the physically and mentally demanding strategy of employing prolonged speechmaking to obstruct…
Great Books: Kurt Busiek’s “Astro City”
The Marvel Comics revolution, led by Stan Lee, was so immensely successful because it moved the focus of superhero stories from the purely fantastic nature of these beings into the characters behind them. Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman all had alter egos that were difficult for audiences to identify with. They were two-dimensional, cardboard props…
Science Periodicals
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” – Sir Isaac Newton Closer to Truth A televised talkshow about issues in science. Discover Magazine A monthly popular science periodical. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) From the PNAS Website: “One of…
Great Films: Frederico Fellini’s “8 1/2”
At one point in Frederico Fellini’s 8 1/2 Guido, an idealistic film Director, sits in his car, staring at the towering skeleton of a set for his now abandoned film. Sitting in the passenger seat is a film critic consultant, telling him this is all for the best, that it was better to let the…
The Reductionism Logical Fallacy
The “THEM” Argument Are you where you wanted to be when you were a child? Have your dreams fallen to the wayside and now your stuck in a job that doesn’t satisfy you? You want to do something else, but you’re inundated with responsibilities like taking care of your children, your spouse, your career? Your…
Voluntary Socialized Healthcare
Health Insurance is a socialist institution. Everyone pays for everyone’s illnesses. Your insurance rate is set by the collective needs of everyone else under your plan. When the collective needs increase, so do your premiums. A Corporation manages this brand of socialism. The difference between Corporate Socialism and Government Socialism is that the former has…
Scientists Unite!!!
“Come on Civic Minded Five! LET’S MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!” – from “The Tick” cartoon Scientists are a Community, with the power to organize politically and affect Governmental policy. There are many organizations, and can be an endless number of organizations, because they have the propensity to forge alliances. The important thing is for Scientific thought…
Great Films: Miyazaki’s “Princess Mononoke”
Ashitaka, Prince of the Amishi, a small, peacefull village, has detected a demon approaching. The plant life withers under its touch. Ashitaka pleads with the monster, attempting to calm it and turn it away. When that fails, he kills it as a last resort. During the conflict, he is struck and infected with the God’s…
Politics Muddling Science
The Food Industry and The Food Pyramid At the time I am writing this, obesity is becoming the most significant health problem in the United States, and is about to replace smoking as the number one cause of preventable diseases. With Federal Health organizations targeting this mounting epidemic, and an informed public being the best…