interweaving ideas
Great Books: “Body for Life”
When it comes to eating healthy and maintaining a state of physical fitness, the latest fad is never the best route to take. The long-term effects of today’s wonder-diet won’t be realized for another twenty to thirty years from now. Mindful of this fact, only the “tried and true” method, the established paradigm for physical…
Kinesthetic Intelligence
Before After After After The Body as Extension of the Mind Soccer player Marco Antonio “El Diablo” Etcheverry’s mind has the ability to calculate the velocity, trajectory, and spin of a soccer ball on the playing field and kick it with at precisely the right spot with the perfect amount of force to redirect it…
Sexual Reproduction Disputations
I find it interesting that so indispensable and natural a biological act as copulation carries so many stigmas in our society, but perhaps not so surprising. As animals with the capacity for forward thinking and the potential for cognitive mastery over our instinctual urges, we can recognize the harmful effects of over-population and the need…
Great Films: Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil”
Terry Gilliam’s Brazil Terry Gilliam has a long career as a darkly fantastic and absurd filmmaker. Brazil is considered his masterpiece by most fans. Inspired by George Orwell’s “1984”, and the working title for the film was “19841/2,” “Brazil” also takes place in a world overrun by a totalitarian bureaucracy, where an oppressive government watches…
Great Books: George Orwell’s “1984”
“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” – Party slogan George Orwell’s 1984 Some people think of George Orwell’s totalitarian dystopia as a future that never came to pass. The year 1984 has come and gone, they figure, so his vision never manifested; however, Orwell’s cautionary tale remains…
Great Books: Steven Johnson’s “Emergence”
Steven Johnson’s Emergence The wave phenomenon that occurs at sports stadiums gives the illusion of movement, a rolling surge of activity that sweeps round and round the bleachers. The phenomenon is not confined to any one sport or even any one culture, but occurs around the world in a wide variety of venues. There is…
Great Films: Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph of Will”
Triumph of Will I reached a point during Leni Riefenstahl’s film, where I found myself overpowered by its majesty. I became swept up in its images of cooperation and goodwill between citizens, its hopeful vision of a better future, its themes of modernity, bringing society into a new age of possibility. An ideal is parading…
The Intelligent Design Movement
While I disagree with the ID movement and am deeply troubled with the gains they are making in our public disputations, I think my fellow evolutionists should look on the bright side of this emergence. The fact that ID exists is proof that evolution has gained ground in our civilization’s mindshare. The creationist movement is…
Sexual Reproduction: Observations
“Millions of participants and still not an Olympic Event.” – Condom Advertisement Paul Reuben (aka. Pee Wee Herman), severely damaged his career because of it. Former President Bill Clinton risked everything for it. Numerous religious leaders have gone down in the flames of social scorn in the pursuit of it. Sexual Gratification is an incredibly…
Great Films: Christopher Nolan’s “Memento”
Momento Memento became an instant classic of the noir genre and an art house cult favorite when it was released in 2000. It follows the story of one Leonard Shelby, an insurance claims investigator, whose deductive skills are now aiding him in the search for the person who murdered his wife. There’s a problem, however,…
Recommended Reading: David Brin
David Brin’s Nonfiction While most famous for his Science Fiction works, it is actually Dr. Brin’s non-fiction that I find most inspiring. The Doctor is a brilliant man with fascinating perspectives on society, politics, and technology. He is a role model of pragmatic centrism. Brin takes a phenomenally unique perspective on the growth of surveillance…
Michael Crichton’s Luddhism
To some, Michael Crichton’s status as a science fiction writer affords him the right to play loosely with facts, but Crichton has always tried to portray himself as something more than a b-status fiction author. Crichton wants his audience to think him an expert on every subject he speculates on, and this is where he…