interweaving ideas
Pluto is a Planet
Many of the arguments I’ve read online are making a mockery of this debate, both pro and con. I have read logically fallacious appeals to tradition, arguing that Pluto should remain a planet because that’s what we were taught in school and that’s the way it has been for 76 years. On the other side…
Letter to the Editor: Put Yourself in the Palestinians’ Shoes
This is a letter to the editor I published at the Daily Advance. Posted here for posterity, since they have no online archive: Imagine if Norfolk were to hold Elizabeth City responsible for a homicide committed against one of its citizens by someone from Sawyer Town. Norfolk simultaneously demands EC crack down on Sawyer Town’s…
Letter to the Editor: Living Near a Landfill is Not a Bad Thing
This is a letter to the editor I published at the Daily Advance. Posted here for posterity, since they have no online archive: I’m trying to understand why people consider landfills such horrible things. I grew up in the shadow of the Virginia Beach landfill, which was simply a great big grassy hill on the…
Letter to the Editor: Elizabeth City Planning Commission Makes a Bad Judgement Call
This is a letter to the editor I published at the Daily Advance. Posted here for posterity, since they have no online archive: The city Planning Commission’s approval to rezone River Road, allowing a gated-community, while denying a rezone request for a Homeless Shelter on Herrington Road does not bode well for this area’s future.…
Letter to the Editor: Take Down the “No Trespassing” Signs
This is a letter to the editor I published at the Daily Advance. Posted here for posterity, since they have no online archive: Dear Elizabeth City Residents, It’s time to take down the “No Trespassing” signs. Property lines are pretty obvious. People should know it’s wrong to enter a house that’s not theirs. If people…
An Illegal Immigrant was First to Die for America in the Second Iraq War
I’ve been put in the uncomfortable position lately. See, I wholly agree with the idea of protecting our borders. America needs to keep illegal immigrants from coming into the country. Undocumented workers artificially bring down our standard of living and our minimum wage through their circumvention of the system. Undocumented people living in America do…
Legalize Prostitution
We’ve heard the argument a bazillion times: Consensual sex is legal. Exchanging money for goods and services is legal. Why then, when we combine these two legally sanctioned activities, do they become illegal? The reasons for this are many and complex. Some branches of feminism view prostitution as a form of sexual slavery. The scriptures…
Explaining Our World: Evolutionary Theory VS Intelligent Design
The biggest reason I like Evolutionary Theory over Creationism/Intelligent Design is that evolution explains the world around us. It’s a field that contains volumes of data on why things are the way they are today, following a path over millions of years to figure out how we got here. When we know where we come…
Dear Rush Limbaugh Listener
I’ve been forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh many times over the last decade. Recently I was in a situation where I was exposed to three hours of his radio show a day for two solid weeks. The Limbaugh fans around me perpetually challenged me with their favorite pundit’s logic(?). It was an interesting experience,…
Letter to the Editor: Cities are Awesome
This is a letter to the editor I published at the Daily Advance. Posted here for posterity, since they have no online archive: I would like to affirm my enthusiasm for City life. Cities are awesome. The cultural Mecca that is New York, the architectural fantasy that is Chicago, and the endless otherworldliness that is…
Take the Fight to the Primaries
Cross-posted at the Centrist Coalition
The Intelligence Garden at the Comic Shop
The Mensan principle of fostering intelligence was my primary reason for joining the organization, and I exercise this virtue volunteering my free time at the local hobby shop. The activities conducted there nurture and sharpen mathematical, linguistic, and logical intelligences in minds age eight to 80. The shop is a Mental Gymnasium, where every Comic…