interweaving ideas
Steve Milloy’s Ultimate Global Warming Challenge
LOL Steve Milloy Steve “JunkScience” Milloy, who in addition to his Faux News paycheck, receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the tobacco industry to assure Faux viewers that second-hand smoke is a myth and cancer links to cigarettes are overblown, has issued an Ultimate Global Warming Challenge. $125,000 will be awarded to the first…
Daylight Savings Time Software Glitches
My cell phone has been waking me up an hour early all week because it thinks that Daylight Savings Time (DST) began last weekend. I can’t change the time because it’s managed by Cingular, so it’s the fault of their systems. Several local banks in Elizabeth City are broadcasting the incorrect time as well. This…
Blackwater Public Forum
Blackwater Satellite Photo: 36.27 N 76.12W I live just 30 minutes south of the Blackwater Training Center, the company which has been in the news much of late for killing Iraqi civilians. Locals here in North Eastern North Carolina overwhelmingly support Blackwater, which is one of the area’s largest employers (600 locals), against the charges.…
Mystic Aquarium, Haley Farm Park, and Port Discover
From My Recent Visit to Connecticut Beluga Whale at the Mystic Aquarium In addition to Penguin Contact, Ray Touch Pool, and Beluga Whale Contact programs, the Aquarium hosts an impressive Marine Animal Rescue Program, with Seal Rescue Clinic. The rays felt surprisingly silky when I got the opportunity to touch one, and the beluga whales…
National Mole Day
Happy Mole Day!!! On the 23rd of October from 6:02 AM to 6:02 PM (6:02 10/23) is National Mole Day, a day of appreciation for chemistry and Avogadro’s Number (6.02 x 10^23), the basic measuring unit in chemistry. A Mole is simply an amount of substance, like a dozen. It is based on the number…
Moving Mountains to Overcome Cultural Stasis
Querty VS Dvorak Keyboard layouts… The Metric System… Base number systems… Where to sneeze… I’ve been wrestling with a lot of obsolete cultural artifacts in the last few weeks. All of these subjects are examples of society adhering to overly-complex, inefficient, or just plain wrong cultural standards. We make life complicated for a our children…
Child Health Month: Cough and Sneeze into your Sleeve!
October 1st is Child Health Day, but the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), once made quiet an effort to make the whole month of October mindful of Children’s Health issues. October is a great month for educational initiatives as children have settled into the school-routine and are still fresh in the academic year. In honor…
The Nobel Prizes 2007
The Nobel Peace Prize Congratulations to Al Gore and the entire Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for wining the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.” This makes…