interweaving ideas
Science Gift Ideas: Zome Tool
ZomeTool’s connector balls are small rhombicosidodecahedrons I started playing with Zome Tool after watching the college lecture series Joy of Thinking: The Beauty and Power of Classical Mathematical Ideas on DVD, which required no mathematical background and I highly recommend for anyone interested in learning about why Math totally rocks from a humanistic perspective. I…
Atheist Sunday School
Secularists are realizing more and more the importance of organization. Religious folk propagate and reinforce their beliefs with weekly gatherings at formal institutions called “churches,” where they develop an extended social network of other human beings sharing the same beliefs. It’s a fantastic tool for community building and providing a support group that helps to…
Happy Birthday Sir Arthur C. Clark!
Sir Arthur C. Clarke Photo by Anuradha Ratnaweera The knighted science fiction author turns 90 years old today. His book 2001: A Space Odyssey was made into a very trippy, far-out and visually stunning film, but also one that left out so many of the important plot elements that made Clarke’s novel so great. All…
The National Zoological Park Part I
I made a trip to DC to take in some science a while back, and I’m just getting to posting the photos. Today we take in Mammals from all over the National Zoological Park and the Amazonia exhibit there as well. Red Panda From my Mammals Photo Set I see zoos as a sort of…
Science Gift Ideas: George’s Secret Key to the Universe
George’s Secret Keyto the Universe George is a restless child. His parents are well-meaning, but oppressively strict environmentalists. They are so anti-technology, that they won’t even let George have a computer. One day George’s pet pig gets out, leading him to meet his strange next door neighbor Annie. Annie’s father, Eric, is a scientist, who…
Published at the SCQ! Science Fiction VS Fantasy
“Chosen One” Archtype The Science Creative Quarterly has posted an abrieviated version of my Science Fiction VS Fantasy article. The picture to the right didn’t make the cut, neither did 90% of section II for being contradictory, and neither did some of my more juvenile, however insightful observations about Conan not wiping his butt. So…
Science Gift Ideas: RoboRally
Roborally Allow me to introduce you to one of the coolest board games you’ve never heard of. In RoboRally, players steer robots around a factory filled with lasers, pits, and conveyor belts in a race to reach the finish line. Each round, players are dealt a random set of instruction cards, with which they must…
Science Gift Ideas: Howtoons, The Possibilities are Endless Cloud of Legends I was all about Do It Yourself (DIY) as a kid. I built a crossbow out of tree branches that shot bamboo arrows, a boat out of an innertube and piece of plywood, and was forever tricking my dirt bike out. Inventors Dr. Saul Griffith and Dr. Joost Bonsen and comic…
LOL Michael Crichton
My LOL Michael Crichton made it to LOL Quacks. : )
Science Gift Ideas: Snap Circuits
Snap Circuits Junior Set I picked up a Snap Circuits Junior kit online, and it is undeniably fun. This is like an erector set for electronics. There are 101 experiments listed in the instruction manual, and I managed to run through most of the experiments over two nights of playing with it. I did come…
Holiday Light-emitting Diodes (LEDs)
LED Holiday Tree at Port Discover LEDs are the future of light, and may soon overtake Compact Fluorescent bulbs as the best choice for efficient home lighting. LEDs don’t have filaments, the part that easily burns out in ordinary bulbs, and they do not product heat like incandescent bulbs. LEDs also last far longer than…
Capitalism is a Religion
This is a play on my blogpost about Environmentalism as Religion.<TOUNG-IN-CHEEK> NeoConservatives believe in the fantasy that all governmental regulations on the market are bad! Bad! BAD! BAD! BAAAD!!! If benevolent corporations like Microsoft, ExxonMobil, and AT&T were just allowed to do whatever they want there would be Universal Health Care and no poverty. Plus…