Category: Geeking Out

  • Epic Google FAIL!

    Vicky was googling local trails Saturday morning, when she started getting the following screen for each link she clicked: Google’s Malware Warning This is the screen Google provides when it detects a website as having maleware, which is a great service, but why was every link coming up malicious? I ran some searches myself. The…

  • Seed Software

    A short while ago, I commented on Kevin Kelly debunking Kurzweil’s singularity, citing the fact that an all-powerful AI can’t simply infer solutions to all our problems through Cartesian means. Interestingly enough, another kk post, The Forever Book, hypothesizes writing a basic text from which a newcomer to a subject could begin the process of…

  • Published at the EE&LQ

    An article I wrote showcasing some new development work we put out into production has been published in the Winter 2008 issue of Engineering, Electronics & Logistics Quarterly. My article starts on page 38. EE&LQ Article

  • Hybrid Space

    When we use a cellphone, we and the person on the other end of the line are two distant points in space that are brought together, ear to ear. Television connects us visually and audibly with places and people all over the world. Video, audio, and pictures connect us with moments in time. With computers,…

  • 20090101 00:00:01

    Our calendar is not perfect, which is why we have leap years and leap seconds. While our New Year started on January 1, 2009 at 00:00:01, other calendars had a different take on this moment in time: Julian Day 2454832.500011574 Julian Calendar 2008 December 19 Hebrew Calendar 5768 Teveth 5 Islamic Calendar 1430 Muharram 4…

  • CIS500 Information Systems for Decision Making: Cohesion Case Study for the Broadway Cafe

    Download a PDF of this Paper here. Abstract Established in 1952, the Broadway Café starts out with a competitive advantage from an established menu and loyal customer base; however, in a business landscape where new competitors are arriving on the scene rapidly, the café also has much to benefit from upgrading its business practices with…

  • Kevin Kelly Debunks Kurzweil’s Imminent Singularity

    Kevin Kelly, founder of Wired Magazine, writes a convincing argument for why Ray Kurzweil needs to just relax and accept his mortality, explaining that, even if a super-AI emerged from the Google-Interwebs in 2045, simply being a supermind isn’t enough to solve all the world’s problems: No super AI can simply think about all the…

  • I’m Running Behind on Researching for Post-Material

  • Five Years of ideonexus

    I have written 1022 posts since I started blogging in November 2003 (and this post on the same day) Each post written comes out to an average of one to two single-spaced typed pages, each page containing an average 500 – 1000 words. By these averages, I have written the equivalent of nine 80,000-word novels.…

  • Asimov Quote Reflects Learning as an Adventure

    Been reading a lot of Isaac Asimov short stories as the only reading I can fit into my schedule, and found this passage in the book Earth is Room Enough from the short story The Dead Past: When science was young and the intricacies of all or most of the known was within the grasp…

  • A Deterministic Finite State Machine in HTML

    Thomas Jansen of the Shift Happens blog has a post up titled A Game in plain HTML (no JavaScript, no Flash, no PHP), which sparks an interesting conundrum concerning what and what isn’t a computer program with an interesting example. The goal is to set all squares to white and the center square black: Click…

  • Coolest Unit of Measurement EVER: The LOC

    To quote the textbook Information Science by David G. Luenberger, on the units of measurement for information: A popular unit is the LOC, representing 20 terabytes, which is roughly the contents of the U.S. Library of Congress when converted to digital form. (Emphasis mine) That’s right, America has a Library so #$%&ing grandios that Information…