Category: Enlightenment Warrior
Will the Media Ever Stand Up to Dittohead Doublespeak?
When will people learn? Democracy doesn’t work! – Homer Simpson John McCain’s campaign is outraged that Obama quoted the old cliché, “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig” in a campaign speech referring to McCain’s policies, the McCain campaign tried to spin it as a attack on Sarah Palin. But…
Notes on Barack Obama’s Science Debate 2008 Responses
My personal notes/thoughts on Obama’s responses (McCain has yet to respond): 1. Innovation Will create a service Scholarship program that pays undergraduate or graduate teaching education costs for those who commit to teaching in a high-need school. Will create Teacher Residency Academies. Critics will cry “How will we pay for all this education?” The answer…
A Reply to My Letter to the Babyboomers
Awhile back I wrote a letter to the Babyboomer Generation, asking them to have the prescience and dignity to take responsibility for the National Debt in their lifetimes and not leave it to burden future generations. Now it appears Roger Ebert has written a letter to the younger generations as part of his review of…
My Late Weigh-In on the Tire Gauge Controversy
The most frustrating thing about dittoheadism (not to be confused with intelligent Conservativism), is that it takes no energy, research, or intelligence to mass-produce steaming bull-feces piles of fantastical proportions every Monday morning. While composing thoughtful accurate responses to their nonsense requires research, fact-checking, and a modicum of intelligence. So last week, when Barack Obama…
Logical Fallacies in the Unscientific what’s the harm? Web Site
Numerous science and enlightenment-minded blogs have recently posted links to the What’s the Harm? website, and I finally got the opportunity to give it some study. It sounded like a great idea, a website devoted to showing the deleterious effects people suffer for believing pseudoscientic claims. We need sites like that. Unfortunately, the site immediately…
Bush Doesn’t Go Far Enough With Offshore Drilling
President Bush knows why oil prices are high when he tells us, “The only thing standing now between the American people and these vast oil resources is the United States Congress,” but his actions to lift oil-drilling bans from our nature preserves and off America’s coasts are just a drop in the bucket of what…
Rush Limbaugh Admires Chinese Gasoline Subsidies
How about this for Conservatism? See, the ChiComs need their economy growing. They need people driving around, moving around. They need people to be able to afford fuel, so they’re subsidizing fuel. They’re not bailing people out of stupid home mortgage messes. They’re buying their gasoline for them, because they need an economy. Know what…
Drill for Oil to Fight Gas Prices
Oil Derrick with Statues Kneeling Before It Credit: skampy Back in 2003, politicians told us the Iraq invasion would pay for itself with all the oil the country would produce, so much so that US Forces allowed looters to ransack three major Iraqi cultural institutions in Baghdad because they had to concentrate on protecting the…
We Need Futurism Scorecards
“There should have been a Secretary of the Future.” – Kurt Vonnegut Wired has a great article online covering their failed predictions from the past, which includes the death of brands and online song-sharing. One of their more ridiculous claims was that “futurism is dead.” Far from dead, Futurism has merely become a more esoteric…
Human Life Goes on Sale Under Bush Administration’s EPA
Michael Crichton, Glen Beck, the Washington Times, and the Randroids, have all equated environmentalism with eugenics, population control, and fascism. We environmentalists hate human beings, we want to exterminate the human race and have everything go back to a “garden of Eden,” to quote Crichton. So what about the anti-environmentalists? The ones who don’t believe…
Envirowacko Harry Reid Says “Coal Makes Us Sick”
Is there anything more amusing than watching dittheads work themselves up into a frothing, impotent rage when confronted with Reality’s liberal bias? Most recently they’ve started rolling around, slobbering all over themselves over this video of Harry Reid pointing out that “Coal makes us sick:” How dare he say that Oil and Coal makes us…
Published at the SCQ: Explaining Our World: Science VS Creationism
My latest article is up at the Science Creative Quarterly: Explaining Our World: Science VS Creationism. My previous articles are still available there as well: Tragedy of the Commons Explained With Smurfs Science Fiction VS Fantasy: An Opinionated Guide How To Fly Enjoy! The Coccyx, or Tail Bone Science: Our predecessors had tails, and we…