ideonexus, a blog seldom capitalized, began in November 2003 as an attempt to figure out what I thought about the world. Through it, I came to understand how much I valued empiricism and the ideals of the Enlightenment Era of Western Civilization. In August 2007 I committed to having strong opinions in defense of science and rationality. Science became my core political issue and the focus of my life’s philosophy. In May of 2010, I realized my scientific focus in life was Computer Science and redirected myself from general science to begin writing mostly on technology issues and computational thinking… we’ll see how this last development pans out. : )
One of my hobbies is science fiction writing, which I disseminate through Creative Commons books. I currently have three titles polished and posted online, free to download. My favorite and most accessible is a novella titled Clones, a collection of short, dramatic stories about people raising clones of themselves as children, and the unique parenting issues that arise from it. My earliest book is The Spiraling Web, about an emergent artificial intelligence that appears on the World Wide Web, but is mistaken as a virus by those of us in meatspace. My most recent book is Entropy of Imagination, about artificial life on an abandoned World Wide Web that has long forgotten there is an outside world and is falling into stasis. My writing has also appeared in the Science Creative Quarterly science humor and popularization journal, 365 Tomorrows science flash-fiction website, and the Coast Guard’s Engineering and Logistics Quarterly technology magazine.
Another of my hobbies is cataloguing science, technology, and the natural world through my Creative Commons Flickr Collections, which document museums, zoos, gardens, and other science-themed locations. Because the photos are licensed Creative commons, meaning anyone may use them for any purpose without having to ask permission, I have earned photography credits in books such as Life: The Science of Biology, Prehistoric, Exploring Bioinformatics, and Shiatsu; websites such as the New York Observer, Discovery, Discovery Channel, New York Magazine, Life Magazine, Discover Magazine,, TreeHugger, and Physorg, as well as 267 Photos in Wikipedia and numerous blog posts all over the WWWeb.
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