Search results for: “ncsbc 2008”

  • North Carolina Science Blogging Conference 2008 (NCSBC 2008)

    I attended NCSBC 2008 this last weekend, and I’ve got much to write about on it. Just like last year’s event I’m left will a great deal to mull over, new intellectual avenues to pursue, and issues to work out. Bora Zivkovic has the best roundup of coverage from the conference, including several videos of…

  • North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences: Naturalist Center

    I’ve always wanted a Cabinet of Curiosities, but have neither the time nor money to establish one. Luckily, we have museums, which serve as public cabinets of curiosities. Naturalist Center (Infested with Bloggers) At the NCMNS the coolest exhibit of all is a small room on the top floor, filled with taxidermy animals, skeletons, rocks,…

  • Science Online 2010

    This last weekend I burned several month’s worth of Science Friday and This Week in Science episodes to CDs for the ride and made my yearly trip to the Sigma Xi conference center in Durham North Carolina to spend a couple days being overwhelmed with fantastic resources, ideas, and projects in the realm of online…

  • Science Online 2009

    Bora Zivkovic and Anton Anton Zuiker Kick Off the Conference The last two years I have had the pleasure of attending Seed Media’s’s yearly Science Blogging conference in Research Triangle (See previous years’ posts 2007 here and 2008 here, here, and here). Each year I come away from the conference brimming with so much…