Month: March 2009

  • Economists Really Gots No Science

    “Wow. If I’d only followed CNBC’s advice, I’d have a million dollars today… provided I’d started with a hundred million dollars.” – Jon Stewart Thank the Cosmos for The Daily Show. I’ve been meaning to sit down and quantify just how incredibly wrong all those idiots like Jim Cramer, Rick Santelli, and the Fast Money…

  • Computer Programmers Master Nine Orders of Magnitude

    In his lecture, The Humble Programmer Dijkstra argues that programming is the only activity in which humans have to master nine orders of magnitude of difference between the lowest level of detail and the highest: Hierarchical systems seem to have the property that something considered as an undivided entity on one level, is considered as…

  • Science Mantras

    Freedom Located atop the dome of the United States Capitol Building Sculptor:Thomas Crawford Credit: dbking Last year, in attending my brother’s spiritual wedding, I had the opportunity to experience an all-night hug-fest celebrating Amma the “Hugging Mother,” a Hindu spiritual leader, who travels the world hugging thousands of people a night and doing charity work.…

  • Go Back to School Patriots!

    My favorite part of President Obama’s Address to the Joint Session of Congress last week: It is our responsibility as lawmakers and educators to make this system work. But it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it. And so tonight, I ask every American to commit to at least one year or…

  • NEMO Science Center: Machine Park, Amazing Constructions, and More

    Just a quick post to get the remaining miscellaneous photos from the NEMO Science Center online. There was elecricity, engineering, and water-power exhibits, as well as various displays that didn’t fit into any particular category, like how the center’s roof had some displays that were architectural, but not exactly science-focused. In the below photo, Vicky…