Bayesian Probability Beat Somma’s Stochaistic

Here I thought I was so cool coming up with “Somma’s Stochaistic,” the idea that science is inversely proportional to BS:

Science is Inversely Proportional to BS

Somma’s Stochaistic

Now I find out somebody else all ready came up with it and expressed it my more elegantly in something called: Bayesian Probability. The equation for this concept looks like this:

Bayesian Probability

Bayesian Probability


  • H is a hypothesis
  • D is the data
  • P(H) is the probability that H is correct before the data D was seen.
  • P(D | H) is the conditional probability of seeing the data given that the hypothesis is true.
  • P(D) is the marginal probability of D.
  • P(H | D) is the probability that the hypothesis is true, given the data and the previous state of belief about the hypothesis.

Interestingly enough, the above equation simplifies to this:

Bayesian Probability Simplified

Bayesian Probability Simplified

Stated simply: The probability of being wrong is inversely proportional to the amount of data available.

Paraphrased simply: Science is inversely proportional to BS.



