Month: January 2006

  • Conflicting Poll Results

    Cross posted at the Centrist Coalition: In the FISA Wiretapping debate, pundits on both sides of the aisle are citing various opinion polls to make their cases. As someone who samples a wide variety of political opinions (one of the reasons I enjoy this blog), I’ve noticed that similarly conducted polls are yielding widely different…

  • A Survey of Spirituality

    Ask ten different people, “What is Spirituality?” and you will get ten different answers. Monotheists have a different conceptualization of it than polytheists. Sub-sets of Monotheists, such as Christians, Jews, and Muslims, will have different explanations for it. Sub-sets of any of these religions, like Baptists, Episcopalians, and Catholics for Christianity, will also give widely…

  • Letter to the Editor: Justice Alito and the Unitary Executive Theory

    This is a letter to the editor I published at the Daily Advance. Posted here for posterity, since they have no online archive: Your recent opinion piece, “Senate will confirm Alito, but shouldn’t,” fell into the same trap so many of Alito’s other opponents have succumbed to: focusing too much on Roe VS Wade. Yes,…

  • Letter to the Editor: Persuading others purpose of debate

    This is a letter to the editor I published at the Daily Advance. Posted here for posterity, since they have no online archive: A recent exchange of political letters in your paper truly disheartens me. Richard T. Cartwright’s “Bush imperils right to criticize” and E.C. Toppin’s “Writer is wrong about Bush, war” both rely on…