Month: July 2005

  • Successful Thinking

    Human beings have one of the largest brain to body mass ratios of any animal on the planet. While it could be argued that this is due in part to our sophisticated hand control, just as an octopus requires a large brain to control its eight appendages, our obvious accomplishments as the most successful higher-order…

  • Great Films: “Army of Darkness”

    “Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.” – John Lennon Not all movies are about making us think, some are about senseless fun. This Sam Raimi / Bruce Cambell pair-up is rife with comedic action and is my favorite way to blow an hour and a half of laughing my ass off. Army of Darkness…

  • The Floccinaucinihilipilificators

    Floccinaucinihilipilificators, or “Haters” for short, or “h8rs” for shorter, are people who engage in excessive floccinaucinihilipilification. If you’re not familiar with this word, it’s probably because you have a life, and I’ll get to explaining how to pronounce it farther down. For now just accept that string of 28 characters as what this random thought…

  • Great Books: “Body for Life”

    When it comes to eating healthy and maintaining a state of physical fitness, the latest fad is never the best route to take. The long-term effects of today’s wonder-diet won’t be realized for another twenty to thirty years from now. Mindful of this fact, only the “tried and true” method, the established paradigm for physical…