Month: November 2004
Democracy’s Renaissance Online
The invention of the printing press dramatically enhanced the average human being’s intelligence. Suddenly all the great written works of time were made accessible to any literate person regardless of income. Now the World Wide Web brings us all of this and more almost instantaneously. Instead of having to run to a bookstore or contact…
Rights for Brights
“I don’t know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.” – George Bush Sr. August 27, 1987 British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s statement on military action in Afghanistan contained a sentence that struck me like a bolt from the blue on October 7,…
E=mc^2: The Universe Condenses from Energy to Mass Over Time
There is something very Zen about Einstein’s most famous equation. E=mc2. mc2=E. Energy and matter are related through the equal sign. They are like Yin and Yang, opposites that are different presentations of the same stuff. Keeping this equation in mind, which direction is our Cosmos moving? Observing the history of our Cosmos from the…
Synchronicity: Meaningful Coincidences in Everyday Life
I used to enjoy reading Tarot Cards. These are a deck of cards that a person draws from randomly, placing them into various positions. Each card has a meaning and each position modifies that meaning. The idea is to think on an aspect of your life and the cards drawn into their various positions will…
I is Mensafied
I got the acceptance letter a month ago. I am officially in the top 2% of IQ’s, qualifying me to join Mensa. This week my Membership Package came in, complete with a Newsletter, decoder-ring, and instructions for the secret handshake. I realize that I have been somewhat critical of Mensa in the past. I have…
Programming Existence
All existence can be defined through mathematics. All forms of Science, from Physics to Psychology, rely heavily on measurements of reality to communicate their discoveries. Without the capability to quantify our world through the concrete language of math, we would have no common foundation of reality to agree upon. The emergence of society depended on…
2004 Election Cheer
Today was the big day. The endless polling, debates, rising passions, gotchas, issues, demographics, character battles, competing versions of the truth, water-cooler discussions, and plethora of other spectacular performances playing out in that tired old “circus” cliche have all come down to this… and I’m pretty sure this won’t be the end of it. While…