Month: May 2004

  • I Hate Homophobes

    I’m at the YMCA, just finished my workout and I’m waiting for my wife to get out of the locker room and I overhear a man complaining to the manager that an another man was staring at him in the showers. The janitor comes out and asks if it was me. I just look at…

  • Playing With Fire: The Dilema of Portraying Fascism In Film

    “The cinema is the most powerful weapon,” Mussolini proclaimed in 1922, but it was Germany’s Third Reich that produced the film with the most influence on modern day cinema. Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of Will cast the mold for fascist style. The influence of her film is recognizable in films as wide and diverse as Charlie…

  • Chaos Theory

    What is Chaos Theory? Chaos theory deals with the ultimately unpredictable nature of our universe. The Principles of Chaos Theory were discovered by a meteorologist named Edward Lorenze, who was working on the problem of predicting weather patterns in 1960. One day in 1961 he ran a mathematical sequence through a computer that he had…

  • False Dichotomies: Capitalism VS Socialism

    What’s the best market model? While pundits scream words like “Communist!” and “Fascist!” across the isles in an attempt to demonize the opposition, the reality is that civilization requires a balanced market with both Capitalist and Socialist aspects. Both economic strategies require a healthy Democracy to work. The result of splitting the debate over government…

  • New Speak

    Words are not defined by what the dictionary says, but by how they are used in daily life. How people use words decides how they are defined, and thus another battleground is forged on the landscape of the mind. We see it everywhere in our political discourse. One Democrat’s “Tax Cut” is a Republican’s “Tax…