Month: March 2004

  • Great Films: “Run Lola Run”

    “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T.S. Eliot, “Little Gidding” “Lola Runs” is the literal translation of Tom Tykwer’s energized masterpiece, and I think it far more apropos than the title given…

  • False Analogies: Party VS Ideology

    Normally when I put the “VS” into a title, I am referring to a False Dichotomy — reducing a debate with many degrees into two extremes. Here I wish to illustrate a False Analogy, making two things equivalent when they are in fact very different. In this case, the difference between a Political Party and…

  • The Virus of the Mind

    With five known senses we take in the world around us. We see, hear, feel, smell, and taste our surroundings, scribbling all of these experiences down in our Cerebral Cortexes. There, this information is analyzed, cross-referenced, conclusions are drawn, and a worldview is established. We think we think, therefore we think we think we are.…

  • The Demagogues

    “[P]olitics has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.”–Henry Adams A Demagogue is someone who attains influence or political power through inflaming people’s emotions. The methods Demagogues use are legion, from distorting the truth, selectively choosing what facts to portray, to outright lying. Demagogues pull you into their world, make you see only what they…